sâmbătă, 29 august 2009

Chestie de la Ina

So I'm supposed to do this:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense.
4. Tag 5 people.(ain't gonna do this)
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

1. How are you feeling today? NoFX- Sticking In My Eye
E bine macar sa stiu ca o sa se intample asta pe ziua de azi, ma pis pe toate mustele ametite.

2. Will you get far in life? Less Than Jake- Landmines And Landslides
"I'm destined for disaster, a failure by design"... Need i say more? (era previzibil raspunsul la intrebarea asta)

3. How do your friends see you? Sublime-Legalize it
Ma vad ca pe o persoana care ar promova legalizarea ierbii. Corect.

4. Will you get married? Sublime- Lincoln Highway Dub
"I got a hundred and ninety-six different kind of oil cans."... Si ar trebui sa inteleg ceva din asta?

5. What is your best friend’s theme? Rancid- This Place
"This place is a tale of terror!" Hm... Asta zice Ina mereu cand vine vorba de Constanta.

6. What is the story of your life? Placebo- 36 Degrees
"Someone tried to do me ache." Toata lumea incearca, putini reusesc. :))

7. What was high school like? Rancid- St. Mary
"She's got to get away, get away as far as she can." Bineinteles!

8. How can you get ahead in life? Travis- Quicksand
"Everyday drinking in the same bar" Tre' sa fie un super-bar ca sa nu ma plictisesc de el.

9. What is the best thing about your friends? No Use For A name- Couch Boy
"Communicate, don't separate, don't instigate a world of hate, contemplate the situation!" Pai sunt prietenii mei deci nu se lasa manipulati niciodata. :>

10. What is stored for your weekend? NoFX- Monosylabic Girl
"She's my monosylabic girl" Dar chiar n-as vrea sa intalnesc asa ceva. De fapt, daca ma gandesc mai bine, am intalnit-o. Si ma uraste. Sunt prea polisilabica.

11. What song describes you? Bad Religion- We're only Gonna Die
"Then he died a confused man, killed himself with his own mind." Promitator. Am un viitor stralucit in fata mea.

12. To describe your grandparents? The Offspring- Intermission
N-are versuri, dar suna a muzica de pe vremea lor. Oricum intrebarea asta e ciudata.

13. How is your life going? Leftover Crak- Life Causes Cancer
"I can see the human race capsized and drowning" Sunt asa o optimista.

14. What song will they play at your funeral? Choking Victim- Living The Laws
"Your history, laws and policies, y'know they never meant that much to me!" Anarchy Funeral! WoooHooo!

15. How does the world see you? Bouncing Souls- The BMX Song
"If i had money i'd buy a new BMX." Lumea ma vede ca pe o biciclista? That's weird.

16. Will you have a happy life? The Specials- Take It Easy
"No need to worry... Just pick yourself from off the ground." Asta e cat de cat incurajator.

17. Do people secretly lust after you? No Doubt- By The Way
"By the way, holding her, hugging her can feel so warm. Just think about it, two bodies embracing, creating love in this form. Here to stay, embedded in his mind, he wishes they could be together all the time." No comment? :))

18. How can I make myself happy? No Use For A name- Truth Hits Everybody
"Where you want to be, can't you ever see?" Oh, yes, i can.

19. What should you do with your life? Sick Of It All- This Skin
"Don't freak out, the words from my mouth are against everybody, no one is singled out, nobody's protected - nobody's safe!" Ar trebui sa-mi descarc frustrarile cauzate de dobitocii de peste tot.

Un comentariu:

haispunecinecine spunea...

This place IS a tale of terror :(